
The Once and Present Kings

Gargoyle I


08-11-2013, 09:56 AM

Burn the land and Boil the Sea; but you can't take the sky from me

The red wolf's words seemed hopeful. Perhaps he really was coping well. And he seemed of like mind with Gargoyle regarding the change in topics. His 'speaking of' put the grey mottled brute on alert, but when his nugget of news came, Gargoyle was speechless for a moment. Eventually he did make a sound - it was something between a train wreck and a thunderstorm. For those who weren't used to it, it could prove rather startling at first, but that was perhaps why Gargoyle didn't allow himself to laugh often. He was chuckling, and it drew itself out in a short moment of real belly rolling laughter before it subsided. His first words were simply: "Well that makes me feel old," but then he shook his head and relented. "Congratulations, Maverick." Garogyle straightened up and looked the other male over in wonder, thinking about what kind of father he would make. Probably a better one than Gargoyle - after all, he didn't have half the scars.

The northern drake was well aware that there were those who were cynical about pups or saw them as a burden or some other such nonsense. He simply prayed that wolves like those would end up getting neutered somewhere along the way before they messed up any lives. Gargoyle's opinion on such things was far more comforting: "Having a family is just about the greatest thing any wolf could ever ask for." It was family that saved Gargoyle. It was family that kept him grounded. A smile cracked his stoney visage. "I remember when I first saw my first litter of pups... I warn you, Maverick," he said, half lightly, half gravely. "Being a father will change you. Once you decide to open up your heart and let those little things in-" he shook his head "-never the same. You'll feel like the luckiest creature on earth, but at the same time, the most protective." He could only imagine what sort of strange dotted red bundles of fluff would be running around the south soon. "Perhaps our families will all have to meet at some point," said Gargoyle, liking his sudden idea more and more. "Ocena and I are only a week or so away from having our second litter - and none too soon, for it seems my first three have grown up like climbing ivy." There was a new openess to Gargoyle's speech. Without really realizing it, he'd shed a great deal of his formalities. It wasn't to say that the eloquence of a dignitary didn't come naturally to him. But this was more relaxed. They were just two males talking about those they loved most.


41 inches of doberman & timber wolf

been just about everything but a saint