
of sinners and saints


08-11-2013, 10:15 AM


(ooc: permission to powerplay given)

The brown wolf was still enjoying adding those 'my's to her statements. It was the only thing that Silverback wasn't pleased with. The lavish language they used on each other didn't so much as turn her head. Silverback was a cat, being flirtatious and even at times seductive, was just another way she showed her pride. It was a common enough mood to find herself in, though usually there was no one around to benefit from it. Today however...

Canttina's declaration that she would 'love to', came just quickly enough for Silverback to wonder if she hadn't caught onto the cat's meaning - what 'getting a better seat' entailed. Oh well, that would make things all the more fun. The yellow-eyed girl giggled and stood, bringing herself within easy reaching distance. She looked up to the cat, sitting pretty on the ledge and her words made it clear that she was waiting for directions. Silverback just smirked, a tad bit more pleasantly that usual. "Not exactly what I meant."

The next moment the cat was practically pouncing. She popped up from her curled, crouching position, and was suddenly vertical again on the cliffside. Down here there were more footholds and wider leddes so it was no challenge - for her anyway. In the narrow pass there wouldn't have been much room for Canttina to escape even if she'd wanted to, but that option was completely obliterated by jaws closing like a steel trap over her scruff. The cat didn't peirce the skin however. No matter how terrifying the experience might seem to some, it was natural to her. She had no intention of hurting the dog. She was enjoying it's company too much.

What came next was another perfect example of how what was natural to the spide was chaos to the fly. Silverback, still on the rock wall, turned herself around, and began to climb back upwards. If the wolf struggled, she'd simply ignore it. She hadasked permission and the climb would be over soon. She knew what she was doing. Mountain cats like her protected their kills by dragging them up rock faces or even trees! It was every day typical for Silverback to drag 150 pounds of dead weight buck up into some secret hideaway. She was quickly discovering that compared to a deer with it's floppy neck and long legs that liked to get tangled, carrying wolves was easy.

Up she scaled, as sure footed as a salamander. She wasn't going for the ledge she'd been talking from just now - that was much too low to be considered a good seat - No, she went much higher, closer to where she'd been standing when they'd first sighted eachother. There was a wider ledge off the side, almost out of sight of the pass. It looked as though some god's hand had reached down and scooped out a bit of rock. It was safer for her wolf friend that an open ledge, and boasted a breathtaking view. Dreamer's Col was made up of a great mountain range, and their ridges broke the sky line in strange jagged contours. But over each of them had begin to spill the lavender-blue light of day. Clouds stained dark purple by the night were beginning to shift around and as for the sun, she was still a blazing ball of glory. She passed through a particularly thick cloud and turned it to pink glass.

Silverback had had to strain her neck muscles awkwardly during the climb, but now she could let them rest as she deposited the wolf on the mountain side and stepped up to seat herself beside her.
