
Not throwing away my shot [Pack claim!]



5 Years
Extra large

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
10-14-2021, 09:40 PM

For a really small guy, that raccoon could run. Well, compared to his normal wolf speed perhaps not but he was sure a lot faster then Artisan would have assumed he'd be. Raccoons were a tree-climbing bunch, weren't they? Snails on the ground, but swinging through the trees? Maybe that was monkeys, but Art definitely presumed he'd have the upper hand here in the snow regardless.

Armando booked it as soon as he'd heard Artisan's battle cry and the brightly colored man followed hot on his bushy tail. Unfortunately whatever ground he'd caught up on in the straight line chase was immediately lost as Armando ducked beneath and went overtop spectators, eventually coming to rest behind one of the sexier ones [Recluse]. Not that the bunch of wolves who'd come to watch weren't all inherently sexy in their own ways, but Art was sure he'd seen an elderly dude show up and that brought the attraction-level average down enough for the rest to shine through.

Artisan weaved and bobbed through spectators, murmuring a soft 'excuse me, pardon me' as he navigated along until he was forced to stop at the albino woman. The raccoon's stupid helmet was clearly visible from behind her and Artisan glared daggers at it. Hya came up behind him - thank god for brothers - and Artisan waved his paw around Recluses front end while he moved to her rear. "You go that way (the side with the teeth), I go this way." He coached Hya. To the albino woman who was unwillingly placed in the middle, [Recluse] he gave his best apologetic smile. "Excuse me, love, pirate business."


Artisan wears multiple twine bracelets around his forelegs, each one with different colored homemade marble-like beads upon it. Each bead corresponds to a wolf who he has met and decided deserved a place on his wrist, and thus he might ask your character for a lock of fur, etc to add to his creation to remember your character by.

Unless otherwise stated, you can assume he is wearing them at all times.
Artisan's companions are two blue and yellow macaws, their names are Siri(F) and Cisco(M) and while they can be assumed to always be nearby, they're likely out of sight.