
Matters of the Heart



08-11-2013, 12:54 PM

They, as a family, had returned back to what they all knew and loved, their own personal home and not smooene else's. To be honest, it helped Collision be more track-minded, and helped him to settle whatever irked thoughts he was having about evertyhing, still he was doing the job of the dutiful father, and husband, and had turned out erly to get on a hunt and bring home something for his family to eat. The children had become old enough to be weaned, and while it was not the easiest thing, it definitely was a better thing, and it didn't pain his sweet wife so much.

Clutched in his maw was the leg of a deer, ripped cleanly and recently off. The rest of the mamal had been taken back to the heart of Valhalla for the others to take part, and Collision had gladly taken enough to feed his growing family what was at least a light breakfast. Head swerved in, muscular shoulders rolling as his head moved over the shoulder of Solaine, his daughter. Dropping the massive thigh he would pull his skull back and nuzzle his nose into the crook of Solaine's neck, before nudging her towards the meat. Eyes flashed to Soleil and he gave her a beaming, loving, smile. The morning was starting off fresh, and Collision wanted his entire family together, at least for the morning. Eyes down turned to Guinevere and he shook his head lightly at the still slumbering woman. Now, where were Gael and Azalea so early?