
does curiosity really kill the cat? good thing i'm not a cat!



Intermediate Hunter (30)

Beginner Fighter (0)

4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2021, 01:56 AM
With both his siblings gone from Valhalla - not just off exploring to return, but actually moved out - Fidelias had found himself somewhat at loose ends. He had his mother, who treated him as an adult rather than her child which was nice, but otherwise had no one he'd grown close enough to that he would seek them out. He knew he needed to make more of an effort - though Justice didn't push him on it, she had made it clear that part of being a protector and provider for the pack would mean working together with them and that meant building trust. He wasn't yet at that point though, and with the new odd things cropping up he had no one he was comfortable to turn to for questions. So he set out to find Kaija, who had explored basically everywhere and would likely know something about this, if only to know the extent of it. But he had no idea where to look for her and was striking out blindly so he had decided he would do well to do his own investigating. He had been stalking a bird with glowing tail feathers when the fireflies had suddenly seemed to grow agitated, zipping past him back and forth. He lifted his heavy head with a frown - the bird had been startled away by the tiny lights zooming around anyway - and glanced towards the place they seemed to be zipping to and from. A cave yawned darkly through the scrub brush trying to conceal the entrance, and Fili made his way towards it to see what was causing their agitation. A bat with glowing eyes swooped inside the cave entrance so he followed. It would be a good substitute for the bird he'd been interrupted in catching. With his eyes on the bat, though, he nearly tripped over the smaller girl blending into the darkness - a darkness that he no doubt was equally difficult to see in. She seemed shaken and panting, and Fili lowered his head to her level to peer sidelong at her in concern. "Are you all right?" he asked haltingly. She didn't seem injured to him, though she did seem terrified, and he raised his head again to peer into the depths of the cavern for whatever could have been chasing her, his thick legs shifting into a protective stance.