
breaking out



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-15-2021, 06:41 AM
He would be lying if he said this wasn't the opposite of what he was looking for. He had come in search of his own help and answers, but now he was expected to give it out. He didn't know where how to take care of a puppy! He could barely take care of himself already, but now the world was also being shifted on its head. Yet, as the boy pulled a literal puppy-face on him, looking so scared and alone, he knew he couldn't just leave them here. They could die from the elements or starvation, and from his own experience, hunger wasn't fun to deal with. The least he could do is help them out a little.

"Alright," he agreed reluctantly, "Are you alone? Do you need help getting back somewhere?" He supposed that was the first step, to see where the boy needed to be. Then he could get into the complicated bits on how and what he could feed the kid. Theron's childhood wasn't exactly normal, but he was pretty sure hunting practice would only have just begun for the lad, if at all. Assuming they were alone, there was a pretty good chance that they were just as hungry as he was. "I'm Theron by the way," he added quickly, completely forgetting to mention his own name. Only after it was out did he start to wonder if he should have given the boy a fake, but hastily pushed the paranoid thought away. They were just a child, giving them his name probably wasn't dangerous. Probably...

His gaze left the boy to start scanning through the trees, already looking for tracks or a place to hide from the weather. He hadn't smelled any other wolves on his way over, so either this kid was thoroughly lost or there weren't any wolves he could return to. However, if Theron remembered correctly, there was a hollow tree somewhere back the way he came, big enough for the kid to fit comfortably. That might work for shelter if they need it.