
Blowing This Joint




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-15-2021, 05:25 PM

There was nothing that could keep Scylla tied down for long. She could get out of anything if she worked at it long enough and the lock on the wooden door of her mother's set of rooms was no different. Possessing such crafty little digits really came in handy. Flipping the lock was cake, though she had to do it quietly. Getting the box to the door so that she could reach the lock, that had been the difficult part.  Each little scuff and scrape sent the girl to gritting her teeth, setting her ears back and going stock still. Only when she was sure that the steady, sleeping breaths of her family hadn't change did she begin to move again. Eventually, the door bent to her will and out into the world went Scylla Tiberia Klein.

The night was dark, but that was nothing new, right? The night was always dark. That was why it was night and the bright time was day. Scylla much preferred moving about in the dark. The shadows hugged her tiny frame as she scuttled from dark pool to dark pool. What kind of mischief could she get into tonight? Though terribly young, Scylla already knew what slaves were. She knew where they were kept, too. Perhaps she would take a little visit to that side of the island. Or perhaps she would investigate the far side of the island where the tide pools and caves were. Or maybe she would just root through the various cabanas to see what was inside. The choices were endless. The world was her oyster. Or hermit crab. Or however the saying went.

As the slate and cream child crept along, she spied a brightly glowing creature up ahead. Glowing beasts had become the norm and so she thought nothing of the creature as she drew near. Ears tucked to her skull, Scylla stuck to the shadows, trying her best to be as quiet as possible while she stalked the creature. From this distance, she couldn't tell what it was, but she was definitely in a pounce and growl mood. Closer and closer she crept until she could finally make out just what the glowing animal was. It was rat. A huge, glowing rat! The rodent sat on its haunches, methodically cleaning its whiskers and face with delicate blue hands. The rat was a pretty good size and was a creature that Scylla was larger than. What was she going to do with a dead rat? Who knew? She'd find out once she caught it.

Crouching low, the girl kept to the shadows, using the overhanging fern leaves to her advantage. Her coat was made for moon spattered shadows. The child's small frame practically disappeared, expertly camouflaged. Step by step, she moved forward towards the illuminated vermin. The creature suddenly sat up straight, its nose moving while its whiskers twitched back and forth. It scented the air but it was too late. Scylla launched herself at the rodent, paws splaying wide to grab it as the animals connected. The rat squeaked as the girl bit into it, but it wasn't going down without a fight. The rodent kicked and bit at Scylla in turn, though it only got a mouthful of braid at first. Scylla kicked the rat away with a cry of indignation. It had bitten her braid! Now there was rat spit on it! With a growl, the girl bunched her muscles and sprang at the rat once more. Blue fireflies arrived in droves, hovering above as if watching the battle.

"Scylla Klein"

Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]