
If I Am Right I Bet It’s Heaven, If I Am Wrong You Can Bet It’s Hell



2 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! VengeanceCritical Fail!Critical Hit!1K
10-15-2021, 07:33 PM
Skadi hummed nonchalantly and swung her dangling legs to and fro as Tyrfing carried her over to Dagrun. She may or may not have accidentally on purpose tried to kick his foreleg the whole time he walked. Twas her nature; she couldn't help it.

When he spoke of being the bravest she scoffed lightly, but only to further goad him on. In her experience that was exactly the sort of thing Tyrfing needed to get him moving. She was willing to bet he could be talked into just about anything with the right challenge to his ego. Although to be fair, given his size and confidence it wasn't like he had anything to prove. It was likely through life wolves would make assumptions about him in his favor because of that. Skadi, on the other, had no such natural help. And that was why after she watched her brother take a mediocre bite she swiped the rest of the mushroom from him, clamored to the ground and stuffed it into her mouth.

Grinning smugly around the mushroom she beamed up at him. "Come on now, it's probably just going to give us the shits, no need for the dramatics. But," Skadi swallowed the nasty blob of mushroom and took a moment to process what she'd just done. It was truly terrible. Like a slug dipped in pond scum. She refused to shudder, however. "But if I fall over dead I leave all of my goods to Skugge. He's an okay bird."
