
postmark my compass

for Tyto



Master Fighter (240)

Advanced Hunter (70)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Fail!Christmas 2019Treat 2019
10-15-2021, 09:25 PM

He didn't know if it was a Northern thing, or if it was happening all over Boreas, but nights had been quite strange these days. With no pack to return to, Tyto had taken his newfound freedom and used it to wander. He no longer had a home after Ignis had decided to let Incendium go. But even without an explanation, he knew why. The pack had died long before Ignis' stole it away, and truth be told, had he been in that position, he wouldn't have wanted to lead ghosts, either. Ah, well. It couldn't be helped at this point. Someone else would take the helm, it didn't matter to him anymore.

He reached the waterfall, noting the odd blue fireflies that danced around the pool at the bottom of the falls. He glanced up towards the moon, noticing how the moon seemed huge and imposing. It unnerved him a bit, but strange things had happened before. He moved towards the pool, leaning to take a drink while flashing fish swam beneath the surface. Fireflies danced and buzzed around his head, the plants that grew around the edge of the pool glowing various colors. He initially planned on just passing through after a quick rest, but then he smelled a vaguely familiar scent.

Head rose as he sought her out. That scene wast unmistakeable now. Caelia was here...but where exactly, he wasn't sure. At least until he picked up her scent heading up one of the trails that led to the falls above. Curious as to what she was doing so far from home, he carefully picked his way up the trail until he was closer to her presumed location. A trail of fireflies seemed to follow him, clustered up close to one another as they practically seemed to act like a lantern. "Caelia?" He called softly.
