
Fireflies, full moons, and beached koi oh my!



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (60)

6 Years

Pride - HomoromanticPride - Bisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-16-2021, 12:47 AM
When the pale figure tipped his head to catch the sounds of the wraith moving through the water, the gentle bounce of those folded ears playing against the soft fur of his cheeks was incredibly endearing. Silvery blue eyes, tinted brilliant azure in the moonlight, flicked to meet his own and then away. Oh, a game was afoot. The sheep had wandered further afield, quietly grazing on the grasses along the shore. It was just the two of them, tinged with salt water and bathed in the eerie light of the winter's moon. Dozens of droplets pattered back into the sea as he lifted one delicate paw to take a single step closer to the smaller male. Dark auds perked to catch the quiet, hesitant tones of the man's voice as he spoke up. A few of the blue fireflies danced over the water's tumultuous surface, fearless despite the danger it might pose. Ordinary insects wouldn't dare risk being drowned by the mercurial whims of the currents at night. "I uh... Honestly would prefer it wasn't unnaturally full I guess?" the horned canine admitted, and tipped his delicate crown upwards to admire the celestial body in question.

A soft chuckle escaped him, and the waifish wolf couldn't help sweeping his obsidian tail over his heels in amusement. He let the silence stretch a few beats longer, daring to take another careful step closer to the alabaster figure cast in the haunting rays of the moon. Pale green eyes took a moment to trail along the lines of his throat, to admire the way his short horns resembled a shining crown of bone as the pale light was cast upon them. He sighed quietly, and let his attention rise to the moon overhead, staring right back. "I do wonder why it has decided to grace us with its full face lately, do you think perhaps we are not meant to experience so much of its light for this long? Perhaps that's why the flowers and the little creatures are beginning to change, they're succumbing faster." he mused aloud, and as soon as the words escaped, he could not retract them. Dark and unsettling as they may be, and so utterly in contest with the downright romantic setting they'd found themselves in.
