
Putting in effort




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-16-2021, 12:40 PM

There was always work to be done. The island had been in such obvious disrepair that there was always something that needed doing. Today he had carted away broken, rotting wood from the last of the cabanas and had stacked the wood on the beach to burn. The crumbling wood would be good for little else so he might as well invite everyone to a bonfire. Perhaps they could all have a family meal, sans Viper. The woman wanted nothing to do with any of them. Back in Ashen, Chimera would have killed her for leaving him. Now, he was just ready for her to go. She had distanced herself from him and had proven that she was a subpar mother for Cerberus. Siren was essentially raising three children. Dalila as well, since the women lived together. He was thankful for both of them since there was no way that he could raise a child alone.

Chimera had just stacked the last of the wood onto the pile when a soft voice sounded from behind him. Having been distracted, he didn't really hear the words and had expected Aliana, but was surprised instead to see Dalila seated in the sat, her round belly evident for all to see. She had asked him something, but it hadn't quite registered until he thought about it for a moment. No doubt she thought he was angry with the furrowed brow and pursed lips, but a moment later he shook his head, his brow smoothing. "I was just getting ready to take a break."She had asked to sit with him, so he would sit with her. The black and white beast settled onto the sand beside the mottled woman, stretching out his forelegs and rolling his shoulders as he did so. He was careful not to touch her, leaving that up to the patchwork woman if that was something that she wished to do.

Dalila had been making an effort with him. They interacted more now than they ever had and the man was surprised to find out that he quite liked it. As such, he had been making an effort with her as well. She was his, after all. "How are you feeling today?" A polite inquiry as to the health of his children. He also knew that she had been weak and dizzy as of late and it was... concerning. "Are you eating enough? Keeping up your strength?" He'd heard that red elk was full of iron and was good for pregnant fae's. Perhaps he would make a special trip to acquire some.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.