
this won't hurt a bit


08-11-2013, 08:42 PM


(ooc: permission given to power play)

It was like the gods were sending a gift. It was a male wolf, young, but independent and deceny healthy looking, despite his apparent inability to hunt. Silverback wanted through slitted eyes as the boy ran pull mell for the scrap of prey until to lag further and further, and finally just throw the towel in. He slowed down to a walk, and collapsing panting at the edge of the meadow. The summer flowers were quite beautiful despite the ominous grey sky. They seemed to know that with dangerous storms came lots of life giving rain. Columbine, poppies, cornflowers and queen anne's lace all stretched up towards the heavens.

Silverback didn't know their names, honestly she'd never even seen most of them. At first she had just been overwhelmed by all the color here in the south (or northeast rather, but south for her). Every was so bright and smelled so strong. She was used to stone and snow and pine being her backdrop, not a hundred other others. Still, she was a hunter and she was learning to cope. She'd already brought down a brace of coneys here - which perhaps explained why all the other rabbits were extra flighty.

Now though, she was thinking of a very different prey. The wolf was pretty in his own way. He wasn't just a plain black or white - he was a rich brown color with dots of white sprouting here and there on his fur. At least she wouldn't get tired of looking at him in a hurry. She hesitated, calculating, thinking things through as she crouched comfortably in the thicket. A male, particularly a large one as this one would probably be, would mean alot of kills needed to keep him fed. But at the same time, from the looks of his skills it looked like she'd be doing him a favor. Not that his opinions were really involved in the matter. It was just a question of whether this fish was the one she wanted to catch. There were so many wolves around now a days that she could take her time and have her pick.

There was a moment's more pause, and then the sultry hunter departed her post. There was no sound. No noise. Save, of course, for the breeze that hinted strongly of rain. It was blowing towards Silver though, and carried the wolf's scent towards her rather than the other way around. If the boy had opened his eyes and raised his head, he still wouldn't have noticed anything seeming to be off. But behind him came the slow and steady advance of a silver shadow. So perfectly confident was she in her abilities, that she didn't over play a crouch and a stalk, she just padded up quietly. The boy was making it so easy - laying out like that with his back to her. And males could be so adorable when unconscious. Best that he stay that way for now, she decided, and, without hesitation, let launch a knock out blow to the back of his head. Had her claws been unsheathed, they would've dug all the way into his scalp. But she wasn't in a killing or particuarly maiming mood. She just wanted him out cold.

So, to make extra sure he didn't wake up at some point during the climb, she whacked him again.

Her tail tip flicked out behind her as she sighed contentedly. Already the stress was melting away.
