
You and He and Me Makes Three

Sibling Event!



Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-16-2021, 07:00 PM
Cerberus had always been somewhat of an enigma, he hadn’t been raised at Siren’s belly with them, but the older boy had always sort of been there. Their brother, their older brother, by a woman Albion was only afforded glances at. Most of the time, they got to have Cerb as their mother was the one primarily looking after him. There wasn’t much surprise when Scylla invited the both of them off that night. Or he thought it was night, nothing in life had really been normal since their birth, so everything strange was much more normal in the boy’s world.

The blue fog felt like home, the glowing lights were his friends, and the apparitions were nothing more than his everyday. The glowing world around him was everything he had ever known. His big ivory paws paced behind his tiny sister as she led the bigger boys wherever it was she wanted. Albi didn’t spare a second thought about following his sister, she was always up to something interesting. As long as they kept out of the way of getting in trouble he would have followed her through the fog forever.

Eventually the mists parted to reveal a glowing blue sand beach. He stepped slowly out onto the sand, glass blue eyes watching the dancing lightning bugs as they filled the sky with their pulsing light. Scylla was mesmerized, and Albion watched her as much as the lights. He had stopped at the edge of the woods watching as Scylla stepped out into the moonlight.

She jumped suddenly, and Albion tilted his head curiously as she turned around to chastise her brothers. A look of confusion flashed over his features, he was way back here and she was way up there, he hadn’t been close enough to whisper in her ear. "I didn’t say anything.”

"Albion Baskara Klien"