
I'm not one of those who can easily hide



11 Years
Athena I
08-11-2013, 09:17 PM

The ivory fea sighed as she finally reached the edge of the hot springs, her forepaws sloshing into the warm water before she came to a halt. It had been a long journey from her home up in the north. For some reason the trip had seemed much longer than the last time she had been here. She glanced back at her side, looking at her stomach that was slowly but steadily growing. She was certainly showing now, leaving no question that she was expecting. Though she wasn't too far along just yet, she couldn't lie to herself and say that she wasn't pregnant any more. She had mixed feelings about the whole situation. She had been angry with herself at first for letting this happen, soon followed by disbelief and telling herself that she wasn't really expecting. But soon her stomach began to stretch with the life inside her and there was no denying it any more. She was going to be a mother whether she liked it or not.

She needed to find Bane. She had spoken with Medusa and now the next wolf on her list was the father of her pups, the large, gray, scared wolf that she had met in this exact hot spring over a month ago. She didn't want to go to the Seracian territory, she knew that for certain. She didn't know how the leaders of Seracia would react to her being pregnant and didn't feel like risking finding out. The only other place she knew to look for him was here, where they had met. Her hope was that the older brute would come back here to relax his joints again and she might be able to find him again. It was a long shot, she knew that, but it was the only idea she could come up with. She eased herself down onto her haunches and lifted her muzzle to the sky, letting out a howl to call to the father of her future pups, just in the off chance that he might be nearby.
