
You and He and Me Makes Three

Sibling Event!


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-17-2021, 07:57 AM
Cerberus from the time of his siblings birth, and the time of his own birth really, was quiet and maybe even a little lonesome feeling. He helped out Siren with her own doings, helped Moccasin clean up his and Viper's room, and other than that he didn't do much. He wasn't jumpy full of energy or super interested and running out to explore. He was obedient in the way of not getting into trouble, but he never did anything to get into trouble. He wasn't quite sure what getting into trouble even meant.

He followed alongside his two younger siblings as they wandered the dark morning of the island. He also was too young to understand that what was happening around them wasn't necessarily normal but he felt the tension of the adults and experienced his own happenings of the haunting atmosphere. When they came to the glowing beach, Scylla moved forward in awe of the stunning scenery and Albion had stayed back in the tree line so Cerberus followed with him as they took a seat. But Cerberus wasn't focused on the moonlight playing on Scylla's features. He was lost in a blank thought as his eyes were drifting into the colored sands in front of him and under Scylla. He felt like the blue and purple glow of the moon that seemed to affect more things as time went on wasn't good because of how the adults felt, and he wondered what it would mean for them. But it was conflicting because he didn't know anything else.

His nonexistent thoughts were interrupted by Scylla's voice, looking back at her two brothers and telling them to stop whispering in her ear. Albion stated he didn't say anything, and Cerberus looked up at fireflies that were in an abundance above and around them though more so around Scylla on the beach. "It's them." He mentioned while his eyes stayed on the floating glits of light, "I hear them too." He didn't hear the voices of the fireflies just now this second, but he was sure they would talk to him especially if they were talking to Scylla. It wasn't but a few seconds after that the fireflies gathered together almost abrupt and aggressively, and started to swirl down the beach and back inland of the forests in a trail as if they were trying to lead the three of them somewhere. Cerberus only looked to his siblings, he wasn't going to follow them unless they were.

"Cerberus Klein"