
Swarovski Got Nothing on These

Lilulus ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-17-2021, 05:41 PM

The creepy events that had been happening at night for the better half of the season didn't seem to be going away any time soon. After seeing the glowing bats and spectral army of ghost wolves with Lillith, as well as the massive ghost wolf with Haiku, Romulus was convinced the land was cursed. Some divide between the land of the living and the realm of the dead must have been breached or overlapped to permit these strange things to happen. As the days went by, the nights began to grow longer and darker. Sunrise and sunset no longer brought warmth with them. The sky was in a perpetual state of twilight, with deep navies and rich purples and indigos coloring the canvas of heavens during the day and heavy, oppressive blackness at night. The stars were no longer stars, but were long streaks of light in the sky, and the moon was getting closer and closer to the earth with every passing day.

Determined to keep his pack and his Lillith safe, Romulus was committed to getting to the bottom of whatever was occurring. Artorias had urged all the Hallows wolves to remain inside the castle walls at night to stay safe, but safety wouldn't give them the answers they needed. So once the sun had fallen below the horizon, Roman decided to do a little bit of exploring. He told Lillith of his plans to slip out after dark during dinner, and together they made the call to go together. Better to have some backup with you in case things got too spooky, right? Although he was hesitant to bring his girlfriend along at first, the Armada wolf conceded, agreeing that it would be better to have her in case he needed help. In his head, however, he had already committed to bringing her back home the second anything started looking dangerous.

"So what do you think's going on with the world?" he asked Lil while he led the way across the empty and silent plains back to the gardens where he had met her half a year ago. It seemed like a suitable place to begin their investigation. The gardens were usually pretty peaceful. Climbing up the hill to the gardens, Romulus noted a faint blue glow coming from the crest. Silver eyes narrowed, but grew wide when he reached the top and saw the gardens. All around the dilapidated and broken walls and ruins, blue luminescent crystals had formed on virtually every rocky surface. Even some idle boulders had the crystals growing on them like tumors! "Whoa..." he muttered, trotting cautiously towards the ruins to inspect the strangely glowing crystals closer.
