
Specters of our Past and Future

Briar ♡


The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
10-17-2021, 11:04 PM

When all the fireflies and odd glowing plants began she had been confused by them, but had only thought about how beautiful they were. She supposed she should have been more unsettled by them than she was, but they were lovely to look at at night and she had been enjoying laying outside the den in the evening and watching the fireflies go by until she was ready to go to sleep. However, as the season continued and things started to change more and more she was beginning to lose her positive opinion on it all. With the lack of real sun during the day and the massive full moon that had gone on far too long it felt like the world around them was hung in some kind of weird state. Briar had been resisting going to The Hallows since she left with Lia after Artorias' recovery, but with the strange state the world was currently in she just couldn't resist at least making a quick trip just to reassure herself that Artorias and The Hallows were okay.

By the time she made it to the edge of the Starlit Plains it was pitch black out—not that it was even felt that dark out considering the massive amount of fireflies that filled the chilled air around her. It didn't really occur to her how cold it was considering she had just come from the wintery weather of Boreas, but she remembered how warm it had felt when she was here just a few weeks prior and the fact that it was suddenly so gold made her hackles bristle uneasily. She hadn't even really intended to stay the night since she just wanted to check in with Artorias and head home, but with the strangeness of the evening she turned her head to look at Willow who was perched on her shoulder and asked the falcon to go back to tell Lia that she would be longer than expected, watching the bird fly off before turning her turquoise gaze back to the plains in front of her.

Through the sea of blue lights she spotted the figure of a wolf and after a bit of squinting she realized it was just the man she had come to see. "Artorias!" she called as she trotted over the border toward him, loping across the plains to reach him. The fact that the fireflies vanished as she ran through them was strange in of itself, but when she glanced back there was barely any trail left by her path through them and she couldn't tell if they just returned to their positions that quickly or they were just brushing past or under her somehow. The thought of them going through her wasn't one her mind was willing to consider. She slowed to a stop in front of Artorias, immediately leaning forward to give him a gentle kiss. "I wanted to come make sure you and your family were alright with all this that's been going on," she explained as she waved a paw to the crazy world around them.

"Briar Zeitgeist Fatalis"