
Don't Give Up Your Ghost




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
10-18-2021, 06:40 PM

It was rare if Viper went out far from Fenmyre these days, but there was an occasion where she needed to take a long trip around in search of prey that weren't plagued by the glowing nature of the winter changes around them. They weren't sure if the prey was infested with anything, it didn't seem that way at least after they died but they couldn't be too careful. With pups on the island and more on the way, it seemed Chimera's priorities changed away from Viper. Though, she couldn't say so for sure because she avoided Chimera as best she could. It hurt to be around him, it hurt to be on the island. She would never admit that though, and instead she would suffer through her own emotional turmoil she was good at hiding.

Traveling around the pack lands in the south east she wasn't sure if she would find any prey out this way while it was getting so crowded. Still, time away from the pack felt relaxing to her though she couldn't hide the bit of anxiety leaving Cerberus for so long. She knew he was in good hands though. She was going to travel more north towards the falls and rapids, but as she rounded the mangrove she thought she had caught a glimpse of some kind of foggy figure float through the trees. She only stopped for a second to look in the direction, but she assumed it was just a trick of the strange, dark light that seemed to fill the days here recently. She almost went to move on until she heard a quiet whistling, as if the wind was blowing around in her ears but there wasn't any breeze blowing by. She didn't really feel fearful of the changes and the fireflies around, but she wasn't necessarily comfortable about it. Just as she stopped to look back into the trees, she thought she spotted the ghostly fog move farther into the forest, and just then a few fireflies circled around in a line to follow it. She hesitated to listen to the silent blue lights, but eventually her paws moved forward.
