
Ψ · Achilles, Achilles, Achilles, come down



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-18-2021, 09:53 PM

Taliesyn took the shocked stare of the young woman with a mild smile, faintly amused as he lowered his head to a level with her own to relieve her of the need to crane her head back. His mane pooled on the ground, some drifting on the wind over the edge of the cliff as he assured softly, “I won’t harm you, miss. Not unless you were to attack me, but you don’t look to be on the hunt, so.” His eyes crinkled softly, lips twitching in a faint smile.

The expression sobered as she spoke, and he drew in a sigh, dark-skinned nostrils flaring slightly. “I do. For me, I hear my late herd of mares. I… lost them in a land slide. Them and our foals.”

The delicate ears nestled in his thick mane and shaggy winter coat flicked forward, then back as a firefly drifted close enough for him to hear the buzz of wings. Wings and whispers. His head lifted, following the winking insect with his eyes as it floated along the edge of the cliff.

“I suppose, that if you are hearing the voices as well, then madness is… probably not the case. The world is changing. Last winter animals that were thought long extinct came amid an ice age.”

They beckoned, but for the moment, the stallion kept his hooves firmly planted. Common sense dictated that it would be crazy to follow the strange creatures and their whispers from voices he’d last heard in the waking world screaming in terror, muffled by the horrific roar of shifting earth and tumbling boulders and rock.

The possibility that the fireflies could attempt to lead an enthralled type over the edge of the cliff was a real thought in his head, and he had no plans to give himself flying lessons.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think