
Where the wind blows



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
10-18-2021, 10:43 PM

Kichi remembered far back when he was still small and weak, one of the first strangers he had ever met had told him silly stories about mushroom rings, the power of names, and some other things.  The problem was it was so long ago and he couldn’t remember too much about it.  They were the sorts of things a pup muses on for a while but then fades away.

While he was struggling to recall if there was something about dead stubborn mothers he heard another voice and for a few seconds ignored it.  It was just one more dead voice but, wait, no his glance turned up and to one side where a pink wolf was coming from.  Kichi only knew one pink wolf and last he had seen her was as a pup and farther up north however there was no way it wasn’t realm.

“Relm?” Shocked surprise evident.  It had been forever since he’d seen anyone from back in those days.  He headed over to meet up with her.  However, if Relm thought she’d be greeted first by the wolf she’d be surprised.  The litter water deer torch let out his own cry as he loped past Kichi and charged straight to the wolf.  The little fanged deer ran up to face Relm head-on and let out a cheery bark sound.

Kichi came up behind Torch, “It’s amazing he’s still alive.”  The light-hearted comment aside the silver wolf added in a more subdued voice, “Hey, what have things been like for you lately? You know, since the nights started getting to long and the strange growths started appearing?” He thought of stating straight up he was hearing voices but imagined it sounding crazy if she didn’t have strange observations as well.

Even as he waited he could hear a whisper on the wind ‘it’s all her fault’ and then had to wonder was it in the wind or in his mind.  
“Oh it is not,” Kichi snapped to the wind before thinking about how insane he might have just sounded.  The boy had grown to use it just being Torch and the voices as his travel companions and then there was the disturbing notion he considered the voices traveling companions.
