
Calling all the monsters


08-12-2013, 12:12 AM
"That's good to know, and you're very deft with your words my good man. Your descriptions make it seem like we're in the Caverns...which is a place I'll definitely visit one of these days. The femme said in a half-flirty tone, she couldn't help it...someone who knew a lot of practical information tickled her fancy quite a bit. She was quite forward towards males like him, though she was sure that he would like more than a game of tag...the fea was half tempted to try a 'serious' sort of thing with him. Although.....would it be worth it, staying with one male for the rest of her natural born existence? Was she ready for that...with someone like him?

She was broken from her reverie as he looked into her eyes, his golden optics glittering with unspoken challenge. Ohhhh, he was up for it was he? This was going to be such fun~! When he leaned in close she let out a half-gasp in surprise, his muzzle brushing against her cheek. "Tag." Her face almost heated up with a blush as she immediately chased after him with a slight laugh. Her long legs becoming damp when the incoming tide swirled around her paws as she caught up with him, bumping his hind quarters with her shoulder before she bolted back the way they'd come. "Now you're tagged gorgeous~" She said, a grin on her maw as she moved over the black sand easily. On second thought....if his prowess in other fields was satisfactory, she could picture herself making pups with the grey brute....possibly.