
Chick Chat



08-12-2013, 02:05 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

Catching her entirely off guard, Meili began to question Ashtoreth's choice in den hunting, wanting to know, in detail, what it was that had drawn her to hers and made her choose it from all the other options available to her. But as much as she wanted to list something off, something easily understandable and a excusable for her choice, no words, no excuses, came to mind. Instead, all that fluttered through her mind, grinning at her with his dazzling blue eyes, was a vivid face sculpted from chocolate colored fur.

She could have groaned aloud if it might not have been heard and drawn about a remark from her company. In all honesty, she had no really good explanation for her choice: it had been Leon's and it had become hers. But she needed to answer her newest friend, and since she had failed to think of anything on the spot to suffice, she chose the open and honest approach, praying it might not lead the conversation into confusing, unwanted areas.

"Oh, my den," she stated after a somewhat longer pause than necessary, nodding her head thoughtfully as she willed the image of her best friend out of her mind and tried to draw up a picture of her den in its place. Even before she spoke, her expression was turning sheepish, ears turning and threatening to tuck against her head like a shy child's might. "Well...I didn't exactly pick my den myself. It was a friend's." There was that word again. Friend. And somehow it still didn't quite sound right. Ignoring her thoughts, Ashtoreth continued, trying to answer the question simply, but what came out was more of a confession. "I injured myself a while ago - a run-in with some crazy male. When I finally made it back here, I didn't bother going to my original den. It was too far away with my limp, and too small for me to stretch my leg out as I'd need to. So I went to Leon's den, because he was my friend and I knew he wouldn't mind me staying there with him." Even the thought of that time, reflecting on the eagerness she had had to seek company with him, to lean on him for support when she was down, caused the beginnings of a smile to appear again.

But it faded rather quickly. "When I got there, it was empty. I hadn't the slightest clue where he'd gone and no idea if and when he would come back. And...because I was already there and was sure he wouldn't mind...I stayed." Almost she mentioned the scent - his scent - that had still lingered upon her arrival at Leon's den, how she had curled up within it to seek what comfort she could from his memory if nothing else. But even the thought of it embarrassed her and so she kept that little tidbit of information to herself. And because she hated to leave her story as it was, she added on with a refreshing sigh, smiling a bit more easily now. "He's back again. And I'm pretty sure he's found himself a new den," she answered, her smile threatening to widen into a grin. Or he's sleeping by a tree under the stars.

OOC: Holy jeebus, I didn't expect her to go into the story so quickly. >.<;