
Ways and Means

Rune I


5 Years
08-12-2013, 02:40 AM

Walk | "Talk" | Think

It felt very good to be considered a Tortugan again. Even that short while the pack had been in limbo - first abandoned, then claimed, then abandoned again - Rune had begun to feel out of sorts, less like he used to be, and it was only with the reinstating of his rank there did he realize why. The pack grounded him. It gave him something to focus on, something to do, and without it, without the stability and skewed companionship that it offered, he had felt more or less lost. There was still a little of that lost feeling that lingered, left over in the aftermath of losing track of his siblings and parents, but knowing his aunt stayed close soothed those worries. If she had managed to find her way back, then the rest of them could.

He only hoped they would.

Once more free to come and go as he pleased, and now old enough to actually feel comfortable enough to do it, Rune found himself choosing to get reacquainted with the territory rather than wandering off outside of their borders. He wasn't sure whether it was curiosity or familiarity that drove him through the woods, quietly making his presence known as he moved about with careless inattention. Plants rustled, dirt shifted, even the occasional pant was made as he wound himself through the warm wood, the temperatures toward the base of the mountain stronger than they tended to be at higher elevations. But as he padded about, aimlessly relearning the lay of the land, he realized he was not the only one abandoning stealth.

There was another he soon realized, slipping quietly through the forest until he found the youth at play. Or war. It was difficult to tell, but something drove the little white creature - a Morphine brat, perhaps? - to repeatedly attack and deadened tree, winding in circles around it and tearing piece after piece from its bark. It was curios work, though not entirely pointless, he supposed. Any practice was still practice. Tuning into the hunter side of himself, he dared to venture nearer, using the pup's inattention to slink forward unobtrusively to join him. Standing by and watching, listening as the youth urged the tree to fight back, the grey wolf blinked his frosty blue eyes before addressing him. "It won't fight back." Of course, the statement was useless; the pup was old enough to know this was true. But Rune often lacked very good ways of striking up conversations, and so always willing to learn how to socialize outside of his element he took it upon himself to say the first line here.