
Everywhere Reminds Me Of Home


08-12-2013, 05:54 AM


The male's response to the she-cat's tidbit of advice was a snorted retort. Silverback watched him, as she continued her slow prowling circle, enjoying seeing him shift around to keep her in his sights. Amusement was starting to overtake the earlier anger. Honestly the puppy in the snow would not be the first to be saved by her sideways sense of humor.
"Spoken like a true wolf," Silverback murmured pointedly, and dang if her voice wasn't perfectly unreadable. It could've been a reluctant compliment or a snide insult.

But her silvery, feminine voice regained a great deal of it's obvious displeasure when she answered the male's question. "My plan was to sleep, you annoying little twitter-bird." Her claws kneaded the ice and snow. Her elongated tail, which helped to snow the curve of her circle, twitched and swayed at it's striped tip. "However, since that's been canceled, I'll have to find some other method of entertainment." A delicate pink tongue lapped out to slide across her whiskered muzzle. She was acting a tad more dramatic than she had to, but she was enjoying the fearful show of defense that the dog was putting on for her. "Perhaps I should have breakfast," she mused aloud, raking him with a grey-green gaze. It wasn't as though she hadn't stalked and killed canines before, or enjoyed the taste of dogmeat, but then again, she'd also mated with a wolf - just recently in fact-. As a whole she was quite prejudiced against them, but her reactions depended entirely on the individual she met and the mood she was in. Consistency just makes life boring after all.

She finished her little lion's circle, and ended up where she'd began. By now her claws had shrunk back to sooty grey tips just barely peeking out of her paws. The timbre of her voice, however, had hardly changed. "Or maybe you have a better idea?"
