
Swarovski Got Nothing on These

Lilulus ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
10-22-2021, 02:23 PM

Silver eyes narrowed in concern when Lillith said what she was experiencing. It was a different sort of effect than the one he'd received from the crystals, but arguably Lillith's reaction was worse. Whereas Romulus had gotten a small cut and a shock, she looked like she was starting to suffer from the beginnings of a migraine. Lil explained what she was feeling—a buzzing in her head—and then went to rub her temple with an ivory paw. Oh fuck, what had those crystals done to her? Feeling a sudden surge of guilt for having convinced her to kiss him in the first place, Roman hurried to close the gap between them and brought large navy-dipped paws to carefully caress her head. "Okay, let's get you settled and back in sorts," he murmured and gently urged Lillith to sit just in case she lost her balance and collapsed.

Roman peered into Lillith's eyes, studying her pupil dilation and her reactivity. Issues with the head and brain were no light matter and he took them very seriously. "Can you tell me more? Is it painful? Does your head feel fuzzy, unclear, scrambled...?" Taking a moment to withdraw and peer around the gardens, Romulus started to sniff about the grounds. "Stay here," he told his girlfriend and began too earth around for some valerian root for her headache. He found a plant a few minutes later and ripped it up without any hesitation, bringing the bright red flowers and earthy roots over to her. "Here," he said while offering the herb to her. He didn't need to explain what to do with it; Lillith was arguably a more studious healer than he was.
