
Adravendi-Mathias, Amalia Jayne



7 Years
08-12-2013, 09:07 AM
How did you get here?: ur loins
Age: 16

Character's Name: Amalia Jayne Mathias-Adravendi
Age: just born
Season of birth: Summer
Size: Small- height wise will grow to be 25"
Appearance description: Amalia will come into the world a sickly little thing, a runt whose chances of survival will seem rather slim. Her height will never be impressive, standing at a mere twenty five inches and weighing in at seventy pounds at her full grown size. A dwarf, it would seem she is not destined to be a fighter. In childhood this will hold true; the babe will seem small and fragile, as if the slightest touch could break her apart. As she grows up she will come into a more athletic build, sporting lean muscle which will make her swift and powerful. She will never be the sort of woman one looks upon and calls a warrior, never the girl whose posture screams strength, but that doesn?t mean she lacks it in any way. She is a very noticeable beauty, with a soft creamy pelt inherited from her mother. Amalia will keep her pelt pure and pristine, for the most part leaving it without a single blemish. Her pristine pelt, however, is pleasantly disturbed by several natural markings. First of all, her tail tip is painted a lighter white, even more brilliant than her angelic pelt. However, this shift in coloration is subtle, as are the white highlights that run along her pelt. More noticeable is the stark contrast of her front left paw, dipped in black ink as if sin itself had held her head and burned it. Even this stunning difference is not what makes Amalia a lovely little beauty. It is, in fact, the russet tone of her head which makes her rather stunning and unique. Her face, ears, and the top of her neck are all dyed a soft color, one that finds its origins in the genetics of her father. The marking itself stems from her mother?s side, making Amalia a perfect blend of both of her parents. Complementing the russet tones of her face are her bright blue eyes, wide and doe-like, always seeming childish and curious. She is very expressive, wearing her heart upon her sleeve and displaying many things through her lovely baby blues. More often than not she will sport a smile upon her face, a brilliant grin for all to see. As for posture, in childhood Amalia will seem somewhat of a tomboy. Although she is capable of carrying herself like a lady, she prefers to relax and enjoy herself rather than concern herself with etiquette. A lovely little doll, she will morph into a woman who carried great poise and grace, moving from a clumsy childhood with awkward paws that will be too large for her body, into a woman who is agile and capable. Nonetheless, she will be stunning, and a lovely sight to see.
Duty: pup c;