
Where the wind blows



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
10-23-2021, 12:35 AM

Kichi looked to Relm as he realized he had cut her off, listening to her own explanation of what she was doing this way.  “Oh Yah?  I’ll follow you a bit then if your ok with that.  I’m curious what will happen,” the silver wolf hedged.  A few days back talk of a pink ghost would have shocked him and probably gotten a reaction of disbelief but not now.  Kichi accepted it, what that one wolf had told him of a year ago was true, spirits and fae’s and stuff like that must all be real.

“So, I’ve been listening to two wolves who would label me their son’s arguing over who I belong to.  Sometimes my dad cuts in but not very often.  Anyway, I know two of them are dead and I figure safe to assume Lurid is dead as well.” Lurid was dead or just ditched him, either way it had been betrayal as far as he was concerned.  To go off and leave him with a promise to return and then never returning.  

Kichi’s ears pulled back as they were still there in his mind.  Did they want to drive him insane?  It felt like sanity could be a fragile enough thing as it was some days.    ‘Stay with me Kichi, no one else.  Leave her here and come back north,’ The voice of Lurid demanded.  It was followed up by his dad, ‘Be wary of ghosts boy,’ and then his blood mother, ‘Kichi she’s cute but come to me first farther south’

“Quit acting like I’m some prize to be fought over,” the boy whispered softly, “you all left me so just go away.”

“I wish they’d all just go away,” spoken more directly at Relm this time, “I heard once not to tell spirits your name but they already know it so that’s no good.”  Would the arguing moms want him to meet up with Relm? Would a pink ghost want her to meet up with him?  Kichi couldn’t fathom why but if there was a reason at this point he doubted it was a good one.  “Maybe your pink ghost will chase away these spirits before they drive me insane.  At least a distraction.  Any guess who it is?”  Kichi still hadn't seen any other pink wolves so he guessed blood-related if ghost colors matched the color wolves had been when they were alive?
