
a ship with no sails


08-12-2013, 10:23 AM


Silverback could feel pleasant shivers dance over her spine at Bane's method of waking. Her eyes were still closed, but she let out a trilling sort of moan that answered for her. "If I must be." she added in a whisper. But now that he was awake she did want to see him. Eyes just beginning to slit open, she raised up her head a little, shifting her weight to the elbow of the foreleg nearest the male. Her lips peeled back in a luxurious yawn that showed all her teeth, had had her whiskers curling up over her head. But then her face returned to normal. Her tail meanwhile, had slipped around to brush against the wolf's flank.

It was incredible how close she felt to him. Not so much attached, but bound, certainly. She could not deny the bond she felt with this creature of another species. She'd felt it the past evening strong enough to erase nature's boundaries, and now - now it was strong enough to shake her soul. She was an independent species, not given to ever going so far as to settle down with a life mate, but they could still love. Intensely. Bane had already discovered that though. -- And it wasn't just the physical codependency or any such thing. They were the same. It had felt like their very souls had mingled and touched. It wasn't just about the acts, it was about the time spent inbetween, the talking, the caressing; Silverback wanted to know more about the male. She wanted to share secrets and stories, to feel his licks one more time before she took her departure.

She looked down at him then, seeing the contentment that seemed to glow from his body as it did hers, and the subtle hints of surprise and pride that showed in his lupine eyes. It assured her she'd made a good choice in a first mate. Even if he could not give her pups, he had given her heaven for one night, and a memory to last a lifetime (which for snowleopards, is about twice as long as a wolf's). "You are glorious, love," she purred straight out as she watched him. "And I never thought I'd say that - well - about any creature really." She shrugged, a gleam of humor shinning in her eyes as they curled back into pleasured slits and she let her neck once more lay across the snow. She rolled into her mate slightly, turning so that she lay on her back with her feather soft whisps of white belly fur in the air. For a moment, she stretched out her hind legs that had grown taunt with ecstasy, and then she just curled up like a kitten, the top of her flat skull resting now and then on the ground as she looked up at him.

"Tell me a secret, Bane," she asked of him. "Perhaps something about yourself, perhaps some memory bright enough to not hurt in the remembrance." Those cat's eyes, usually so guarded and clouded with a hundred different angles and thoughts, were quite clear and honest. She fully intended to trade some of her own for some of his.
