




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-23-2021, 07:02 PM
Ulric was relieved when Eska agreed to leave, wanting to put distance between himself and the sounds of the wolves he had lost. His parents, Azariah, Everlyse, Aranea... even the children he hadn't been able to save from the destruction Aranea caused them. It was all too much and it was difficult to shake the panic that kept trying to strangle him. He turned to leave with her, but noticed the same issue she did where the path he had taken to get to her was thickly covered with mist and fog. Any scent trail there might have been was difficult to pick out with the damp smell of the forest filling his nose and a frown creased his face as his eyes searched the trees. When Eska spoke he looked down to her unusually worried expression and wished he had words to give her to reassure her. He kept encountering things he couldn't fight and couldn't protect her from and it shook him more than he wanted to admit.

"Ulric... This way, Ulric..."

His ears perked as his mother's voice managed to reach over the clamorous sounds of all the others and he looked toward the trees again as if he really expected Roza to be standing there. He had buried her himself, he knew she wouldn't be there, but her soft voice sounded so real. He caught a glimpse of where the mist began to break as a cold breeze came through and even though it was eerie and unsettling just like anything else it felt like the only thing he had to go on. "Lets try this way," he said, glancing down at Eska again with a hint of a reassuring smile, forcing himself to stay calm as he started to lead her and her companions through the mist.

Ulric Adravendi