
Let the Ghosts Laugh At Us, We'll Laugh Right Back

Manea ♡



Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
10-23-2021, 08:16 PM
Manea had begun preparations for some traveling that she and her family—both by blood and chosen—would be doing sooner than she would have liked. She had intended on the island being their permanent home and she was certain that they would return here often, but with the ties of a pack claim pulled out from under her paws she decided she might as well make the best of it and do a bit of traveling and socializing. She was interested in seeing that saber toothed man that Alastor had spent a bit of time smoozing with at her challenge as well as Chimera and Venom. Even if she didn't yet have the pack she craved, she and her family could still get to know the wolves that they had found connections with a bit better. Maybe they might even meet some new blood along the way. Poe, Naráca, and Imperia still needed to find their soul mates after all and isolating themselves on this island without the draw of a pack to bring wolves to them just wouldn't do.

She was in the middle of folding up a few of the many furs they had collected, picking out her favorites so they could be loaded on a cart for travel, when she heard a voice whisper in her ear. It made her head pop up with surprise and she looked out of the cave they had been living in for a bit now. Their children had gone out to do a bit of exploring with Naráca so she wasn't expecting them back any time soon and she was fairly certain Imperia had gone out in hopes of finding some herbs to replenish what had been used to treat her wounds. As far as she knew she should be alone. The whispers reached her again and she frowned, abandoning her task to walk out into the twilight-lit world. She walked out to find a cluster of fireflies drifting on the chilly breeze down toward the lake, but otherwise there was no one there.

Manea was about to brush it off as just a trick of the wind when she heard the voice again, though louder and more clear. She couldn't quite make out what it was saying to her, but it immediately clicked in her mind who it belonged to and it made her hackles bristle. It was a voice she hadn't heard since the day that she had taken her sister's life and it made her uneasy. Ever since the incident with Saracyn by the lake she had been wary of the paranormal nature of these things and this certainly wasn't helping. The idea of continuing to be alone with the long dead voice of her sister in her ears didn't feel all that appealing so she left the cave behind to go in search of her husband, needing those ebony eyes to chase away her uneasiness. She found him by the edge of the lake as he came thundering out of the trees, raising a white marked brow at his expression and the way he looked ready to charge into battle. "What's going on, my demon?" she questioned as she approached him, still pointedly ignoring her sister's voice as she approached him. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Manea Mendacium"