
Squish crunch break oops




Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Extra large

1KSamhain 2022Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
10-24-2021, 01:04 PM
Avacyn pouted a bit as Saracyn taunted her about how she couldn't have glow paws unless she crushed some of the mushrooms. He was already doing enough destruction for the both of them without her joining in. She bet that they'd all just be clumps of mush by the time mom called them in for dinner and she was sad to see the pretty mushrooms go. She was distracted from her inner lamenting about her brother's carelessness when he exclaimed about something being cool and she looked up from the mushroom she was guarding in front of her to see the swarm of fireflies that had collected around his glowing paw. The fireflies were always pretty playful with them but they seemed to reeeeeally like the glow that Saracyn had made with his crushed mushrooms.

His claim of being the firefly prince got her thinking and she glanced down at the trail of destroyed mushrooms between her and Saracyn and grinned a little at her idea. She got up and went over to one of the already destroyed mushrooms so that she wouldn't have to ruin another one for her idea and stabbed one of them with one of her claws, picking up the chunk and rubbing it on her opposite paw pad just to make sure it was still going to work with transferring glow to things. She grinned when it did and then used her chunk of glowing mushroom to color the budding ridge of horns on her head with it. The spiked, boney ridges started to glow like strips of bioluminescent light on her head and she trotted over to where most of the fireflies had gathered by Saracyn.

One of the fireflies seemed to notice as she sat down in front of her twin and a clump of them moved toward her, floating and dancing around her head and making almost literally a crown made of fireflies. She beamed happily as her tail wagged, proudly wearing the blue fireflies that she could see drifting in and out of the edges of her vision. "I'm the real firefly princess!" she insisted, feeling like she most certainly won this contest!

"Avacyn Mendacium"