

Ysmir & Serenity


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
10-24-2021, 01:24 PM

Gwynevere wondered if the saying that curiosity killed the cat was really true. Even with Blue on her back and Eilwen watching from over head she was still nervous about leaving the castle for any reason, but leaving so she could investigate some mushrooms she had seen from the edge of the starlit plains felt incredibly ridiculous. It was a silly reason for her to gather up her courage to go out, but just the peek of the bioluminescent fungi from where she was standing on the plains had her incredibly curious about what they were and what they could be used for.

She was just about to force herself to go out on her own, putting on the circlet that Ysmir gave her for good luck, when she happened to pass Serenity as she was leaving the castle and took the opportunity to invite the speckled woman along. It was always better to travel in pairs anyway—not just because she was frightened by everything that moved. That was already enough of a pleasant turn of events to make her feel a bit better about going out, but on their way across the plains toward the wildberry grove she got the biggest surprise of all! She just so happened to find Ysmir approaching the borders, making her mood brighten immediately. Now she got to spend the afternoon with her friend and the boy she liked and now there was absolutely no reason to be frightened.

Gwyn walked between Ysmir and Serenity as they made their way into the shade of the grove, but it still wasn't all that dark with the swarms of fireflies that seemed to be absolutely everywhere these days. They were still a bit unnerving as was everything that was going on these days, but their constant presence had actually started to become slightly normal. Her lavender and mint eyes scoured the trees for the mushrooms she had seen before with a thoughtful frown. "I know I had seen them around here somewhere..."

"Gwynevere Carpathius"