
See the Beauty, Sharp and Sheer

Fight seasonal, winter y16 (Takeshi)



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-24-2021, 09:52 PM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

Ears perked when the boy's companions spoke up, and at first, she was confused as to why he hadn't told her his name himself. "Erm, I can read a little. I'm not the best, but my alphess and Ardyn are teaching me." She definitely wasn't the best at it quite yet, but she knew enough that although it would take her a little while to figure it out, she understood enough of it to get a message. She was beginning to get the thought that maybe he couldn't talk. Or maybe just didn't like the sound of his own voice? Whatever the case, she got to her feet and smiled at him. "Well it's nice to meet you Takeshi Ani Oritsu Abraxas. And thank you for being patient with me, I'm uh...I dunno, not good at making friends I think?" In her perspective, anyway. She clearly didn't have trouble actually making friends, but she felt that way since she'd been alone most of her pup hood. Sometimes she was also oblivious to the fact she talked a lot, but if she did, nobody said anything about it.

"If you're gonna write somethin' then I'll let you prepare your stuff, take as much time as you need...Takeshi." She grinned again, tail wagging when she said his name again. It rolled easily off her tongue, something she quite liked, honestly. As she gave him time to prepare, she spotted a few feathers at the base of the tree she was sitting under. Glancing up, she wondered if there was a nest or something up there but then realized that there probably wasn't gonna be anything considering how late in the year it was. Maybe a couple birds got into a scuffle or something, but whatever the case was, she had a few blue jay feathers to play with while she waited.
