
Back to Our Roots

Celosia - Prompt 3



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Beginner Hunter (0)

5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-25-2021, 12:53 AM

Since the encounter with the strange bear, Celosia had chosen to stick close to her father. There was no pack to back her up, and it felt like a scary time to be a rouge. She had enjoyed the darkness for a while, but it had made her feel like she was losing it a little bit. It was dark when she went to sleep and dark when she woke up. She couldn’t tell how much time was passing and it left her feeling unsettled and on edge.

As if the eternal night and nightmare bear weren’t enough, more glowing things seemed to appear. The worst by far were the fireflies. They were everywhere. No matter where she looked, the little blue lights seemed to dance, like they were taunting her. Another small piece of a puzzle she couldn’t figure out. She hated feeling so off balance, there had been too much change all at once and she felt like she had to find herself all over again while the world fell apart around her. Maybe it was a little bit over dramatic, but how was she supposed to react to all of it? The plus side to all of this, though, was that now she was the one traveling with her father and getting to explore more of Boreas without him being distracted by his responsibilities with the pack. It would be interesting to return to some of these places once the sun came back out, if it ever did.

She had been focused on her surroundings as they walked, but had been looking out and around more than she was looking directly ahead, so she didn’t notice her father pause at first. She had taken several steps past him before she realized he wasn’t by her anymore. Stopping herself, she turned to face him, her head tipped ever so slightly in a silent question. He looked like he was listening to something, but before she could ask, she heard something. Over here... It was quiet, and she almost wasn’t sure she heard it. Her gaze swept across the land again, but she knew they were alone. "Did you hear something?" The words were spoken quietly as her gaze returned to her father, hoping it wasn’t some other strange creature like the bear.

"Speech" || Thoughts