
a ship with no sails


08-12-2013, 02:06 PM


The return of the complement, given in Bane's own way, maybe for a grin to curl up the rounded sides of her short muzzle. Her tail flicked with a bit of playful snap against his flank. Charmer. They had fit eachother quite nicely. What a blessing that her first experience had proven to be so natural and blissful. His remark upon her own gentleness turned her smile into a fang-showing grin. "Your lovely face had enough scars already, sweet one." Though there was that half mocking tone to her voice, there was also tenderness. He had turned her into a kitten; there was no way she could've set her claws to his flesh like that. She had been enjoying herself far to much. There was a question in her mind though. She hoped she hadn't spoiled herself for other cats.

Crap. What if she'd screwed up her instincts enough that, even in the far off future, she'd only want lupine males. At the same time that she was finding that distasteful, there was also a voice telling her that that very well might be all that was out there. But she pushed such thoughts aside; Unhappiness didn't suit the occasion. And besides, with how satisfied she was feeling now, she didn't think she'd feel nature's itch for a long time. Hmmm. Not unless it was Bane again.

His comment on the role she'd played made her eyes glitter with humor. Yes she had been quite wonderful hadn't she? She'd felt no shame and no hesitance as they'd explored one another. Perhaps a part of it was because he was a wolf. This hadn't had the formal courtship and gravity of the possibility of young. This had just been two roamers lighting fire to the chains that had burdened their hearts for so very long. Silverback couldn't think of a moment when she'd been more happy and content. She leaned into that silly looking male of hers, watching him as he thought out a proper response to her question.

And she didn't have to wait long. Now, bringing up a recent one night-stand with your current fling, is not usually a wise idea, not even among wolves. But Silverback was a cat, and she totally understood. She understood partiality and preference, but true commitment? Not in her genetic coding. And the fact that Bane seemed to have broken past that - and pack boundaries? Not bad. Her only response was a humored grunt. "Dog," she muttered, her eyes toying with him. Amenti - she'd heard that name a couple times now. The last had been with that white she-wolf. The purple eyed assassain. She couldn't remember the name though, just that it had been ridiculously proud and had two parts. She refocused though on what her mate was saying. Her gaze softened and grew more serious when he spoke of the possibility of pups.

Tenderly, she uncurled a forepaw and placed it against the hollow of his chest. "There, you see?" she murmured in a gentle voice that suddenly lost all joking tone. "A lover like you shall have no difficulty in finding she-wolves to woo. There is still a chance for you to have that real sense of belonging, of family. -- You could teach them those beliefs which are so important to you." She was truly happy for him. This was wonderful. This was a chance for the male to find himself. And even though it reminded her that she was still lost, there was no bitterness to her words. She was too genuinely pleased for Bane.

And before her spirits could begin to dip, the male was raising her temperature again with bringing himself near and putting his long muzzle to her ear again. She closed her eyes involuntarily as he spoke, imagining the unknown trail in her mind. Mountains? He had mountains where he lived? The south was not her style, nor were pack territories, but if it had mountains.... perhaps it was possible. And who knew, perhaps she'd might find signs of cat life there. The trees with the mark of his shoulder - she stowed that away. She'd remember it later if she ever needed. It was sweet of him to make and offering of himself like that. And Silverback, would be lying if she said it wouldn't tempt her in the future. Though, if he was to have a family, she would needs best watch her step. She had no problem sharing a male, but canines could be so petty about these things, and, if it came to it, she would much rather deny herself than mar his chances of belonging to a normal life. Wow... she took a moment to realize what she'd just thought. She really did like this male didn't she?

She drew a slightly shakey intake of breath as tongue stroked at her ear. "Shall I tell you a secret, love?" she murmured. The murmur turned into a chuckle, as she went on without really waiting for the answer. "I've always hated wolves. Found them so repulsive and ridiculous, but you... " Her voice trailed as she stared up into those eyes of his. "You are something special, something-" she grinned, "Glorious." But that grin slipped out of view, as she rolled over, first onto her side, and then onto her paws. The silver dapple form raised itself up, powdery snow, still clinging to the tips of her long fur. She didn't want to go, not really, but she felt that it was time. Much longer and it's likely enough she'd steal this one away from the world to keep him all to herself. But he was better than that- he was like her. She didn't leave just that instant though. Her momvements and the finality of her words made it clear it was time, but she would let him say his goodbyes.
