
Oh, in this night of blue



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3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-25-2021, 04:04 PM

As the days stretched out into weeks, Nikkal's heart seemed to be in a constant grip of pain the longer and longer that her brother did not appear. She still camped out by the lake full of yellow normal fireflies and also the strange blue ones, hoping that as her scent grew stronger here it would make it easier for Achilleus to find her. Nikkal refused to accept that he might of died in the water and the one time the thought flittered through in her mind, she immediately burned the thought. "There is no way.... There is no way." she told herself and shook her monochrome face with her blue and green eyes clamped shut. So here she was for another blue tinted day, dragging large branches to the nest she had made out of the cattails and started to construct a more secure den. Carefully she arranged the branches so that they arched over, tall enough for her to stand and long enough so that her entire body and another could fit into it. Then she tore out the long cattails from the other side of the lake, so that it was not too obvious she was setting up camp here, and painstakingly wove them into a roof to help keep the rain from coming inside. Not that the endless cloudless night sky seemed like it was going to rain anytime soon, but as of late, she did not trust the weather.

Finally after hours, she finished her task and nodded approvingly at her work, the den hidden in the cattails and the plants arranged so that it would take more than a hard glance to tell that there was a den there. The Amanta woman flicked her tail and turned sharply on her heel and strode her way to the waters edge to quench her thirst but a surprised growl rumbled past her grey lips as her sapphire and emerald eyes spotted large blue crystals growing along the rocks and pulsating with a light that reminded her of a heart beat. The she-wolf shifted her weight from side to side with her black hackles raised as she studied the crystal formations. They had not been there only hours ago when she last took a drink at this exact spot. How could crystals grow that fast? Nikkal glanced around her to see if she could see someone or something lurking at the edges, waiting for her to lower her guard enough to attack but saw nothing. Her dark nostrils flared as she tried to smell anything strange on the wind but only caught a strange sweet scent that seemed to call to her to follow it. Her lips wrinkled in irritation as she snapped "What is this trickery." She was not one prone to violence for the sake of it but she certainly did not tolerate being made a fool.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think