


08-12-2013, 02:08 PM
OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?: Lu bugged me for a couple years...XD
Age: 20

Character's Name: Lovatt
Age: 6
Season of birth: Spring
Size: 42"
Appearance description: Lovatt is a massive male, to say the least. He easily reaches 42 inches in height, making him dwarf most wolves out there, and he's far from skinny. There is a distinct bulk to this male, giving him massive and powerful shoulders and limbs. His coat is thick, adding to how large that he appears to be, and is a rich dark brown in coloration. The shading varies across his body, and its hard to pin down one exact color to call him. His paws are a light, sandy brown, which darkens as one moves up his legs to become a medium, chocolate-like brown across his back, while his stomach and chest are a deep brown that's almost black, and his head and face are a dark brown as well. This dark coloration makes his bright blue eyes stand out from his features, contrasting sharply with the fur around them. He is almost surprisingly graceful when he moves, putting his paws down daintily and moving more smoothly than one might expect from such a large and bulky wolf.
Duty: Sentry