
Because Of You


08-12-2013, 02:10 PM

He didn't know what the customs were when it came to story telling, so he wasn't aware that after she was done telling her story, that he was supposed to make some kind of remark. Had he been another wolf, he would've praised her on her amazing story-telling ability. But since he wasn't, no praising comments left the man's lips. Although, if he could admit it to himself, her story was far better than any he could ever come up with or could ever tell her. None of the stories he had stored up, if one could call them stories, would be anything he would ever want to share with Orica. She was still rather innocent to the world and he didn't need to taint that with his horrific (to her) experiences.

Clearly there was something he was supposed to say because suddenly Orica was calling his name, her smaller head cocked to the side, worry overtaking her mesmerizing sapphires. He pushed his morbid thoughts aside, allowing whatever emotions were leaking into his eyes to fade away as he lifted his head, keeping his eyes on hers, ear perking forward at her question. What's wrong? Her concerned whine tore into him, making his ears fold flat against his head. What was wrong? Everything. This. Him and Her. Together, talking, her still breathing, him wanting to protect her, her giving up her family to be with him. This entire situation was completely wrong and yet the man was doing nothing to try and correct it. He simply lied there, unmoving, looking down at Orica, feeling his once dormant heart (metaphorically speaking) thudding unevenly in his chest. Nothing's wrong... He rumbled quietly, unable to share his thoughts with the little medic.

OOC: sorry for shitty post clashy, today isn't a good day for me

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