
chef de cuisine



10-25-2021, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2021, 07:28 PM by Nyx. Edited 2 times in total.)
Idiot Sandwich

The cryptid watches as the young wolf dabbled about, putting undoubtedly all her effort into this dish. She dashed to and fro, and eventually brought a bowl of steeping hot soup. Bone Apple Teeth.

The swarm-shaped hand grasped the bowl and took a moment to allow the beating of the firefly's wings to cool it off. The wolf explained that she had much to learn, and that she would get better. He took what appeared to be a sip, as the liquid disappeared into nothingness in one def movement. It was... not pleasing- a 2 out of 10 at best. If the man could have grimaced, he would have.

The being stood abruptly, his figure wavering as he removed his napkin and, with a whisk of his hand, de-apparated the table set. "And get better, I hope you do, for this particular flavor disgusts and offends." He paused a moment, looking keenly at the young woman. "I am not angry, just disappointed. Perhaps you need a reset of your own palette," he said before vanishing completely, leaving only the bowl with the slightest bit of soup left in the bottom.

Maybe you shouldn't have done that...

You Lose:
  • Your Sense of Taste- Taste nothing for 2 OOC weeks.
  • 10 Int Points- You forgot that one ingredient that made that one dish taste that one way...