
Crystal Hot-spot




Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
10-25-2021, 11:41 PM

Ciná almost didn't notice the stranger approaching him as he looked up at the strange crystals that dotted the walls of the canyon, but the sound of paw steps moving over stone gave her away. His ears perked and he turned his attention down to the much smaller wolf in front of him, his gaze taking in the black and violet marked woman. He hadn't expected to run into anyone else down here of all places, but he certainly didn't mind a bit of company. "I'm Cináed," he replied easily with a charming grin. There was some vague hint of other wolves on her fur, but not nearly as noticeable as someone who lived in a pack. Just traveling with a group of wolves maybe? Ah well, if it wasn't a pack scent then there wasn't much for him to pick up from there. She was pretty though at least so she was nice to look at while they investigated the odd canyon together.

He chuckled softly when she declared that the crystals would feel like a bad omen if she kept some and he glanced up at the gently pulsing crystals. "I could see why you would think that." At the very least they seemed to coincide with all the other strange things that were going on and he couldn't say that he was exactly thrilled about anything else that was going on. The strange, glowing crabs from his solo explorations of Auster were still enough to unnerve him a bit. As he watched the crystals it still seemed like the ones closest to him were oddly in time with his heart beat and as his golden gaze drifted back over to the woman in front of him he noticed that the crystals closest to her weren't in the same rhythm as the ones closest to him. Perhaps they were matching her heart beat instead?

With an idea forming in his mind, he moved closer to her, perhaps invading her personal space a bit as he pretended that he was trying to get a closer look at a large cluster of crystals that were jutting from the rocks just over her head. He leaned down to peer closely at the crystal, causing him to be just a few inches from the top of her head. If he had really wanted to he could lean down just a bit more and touched his nose to her ear. He hummed thoughtfully, turning his attention down toward Duchess with another warm smile. "This chunk of them is particularly pretty, don't you think?"

"Cináed Praetor"