
Oh, in this night of blue



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3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-26-2021, 09:04 AM

As she stood observing the sudden crystal formation the sound of paws near by caused her to flick a black and white ear in the direction of the noise as brief flash of joy lifting her heart but came crashing down only a heartbeat later. Achilleus would have never made such a ruckus, even if he was on the verge of dying. Determined to ignore whoever it was passing by, Nikkal inched closer to the pulsating crystals to get a closer look, until the trespasser spoke.  "You scared of the dark or somethin'? There are plenty of night lights around, and it looks like you found one." the male, judging by the tone of the voice called out to her. Her sapphire and emerald eyes flicked up off the crystals as irritation flashed plainly across her delicate features then masterfully settling into one of bored indifference before she turned to face the male. He probably was considered handsome by most with his sturdy build and beautifully colored pelt that looked as if he was painted by a galaxy itself. But she was not impressed by such trivial things. He was no Amanta and he did not follow their ways.

She did nothing to suppress the roll of her two-toned eyes or the subtle sneer that formed on her storm grey lips. "Perhaps... Or maybe I have just found a mouthy pain in the ass." she replied back, a fine brow arching over her sharp blue eye as she looked him over once more, before she gave a small flick of her muzzle towards the forest he crawled out of. "Begone if your only here to cause trouble." she said, her already sharp voice growing an even sharper edge. She did not have time to deal with some male that decided it would be fun to harass a female for sport. Not when some strange crystal formation seemed to be growing at an alarming rate around the camp she had just made. Not when it gave off a scent that really made her want to give it a nibble. She turned halfway back to the crystals, not dumb enough to fully turn her back on a male of his size, who seemed to like to stir up trouble by the gleam that danced in his light colored eyes. If he wanted to bring out the teeth then fine, she had some pent up energy she could release in the form of a fight if he wanted to push her in that direction.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think