
my momma done told me


08-12-2013, 03:54 PM
Say what you wanna say,

And let the words fall out.

Looking thoughtfully at her daughter, Ocena examined the petite female as she spoke. "Mothers worry," The female answered with a flicker of a smile crossing her features, "It's just something we do, you know." The female leaned down to nuzzle the youngster lovingly, meeting her embrace with one of her own. It had been a while since any of her children had gotten so close to her. Galileo had never been one to show much affection, and she had not had one on one contact with Avalon in some time.

Ocena was surprised to realize how much she had missed this. "How did you meet this wolf?" Ocena questioned curiously, ears twitching in her daughter's direction. If such a wolf had trespassed upon Tortugan territory, she would have to alert Gargoyle. Her mate would not be pleased about the thought of a stranger trespassing upon the lands of their new home, but if Orica had wandered, well, Ocena would worry less about her pack and more about her daughter. Ah well. She would worry about everything. As she had said to her daughter, it was kind of a mother thing.

Coding by lutara/kat

Honestly, I wanna see you be brave.O C E N A ,