
Standing at the Edge of the World



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
10-26-2021, 02:51 PM

Irilyth had been doing all she could to tend to Manea following the fight while also maintaining the Mendaciums' den and caring for the little prince and princess. Fortunately, Manea was a good patient, allowing her to do her work to get her patched up and her injuries healed. Irilyth didn't mention the fight once, preferring instead to focus on her work and the path ahead with her Mistress and Master. Though Manea had been defeated, Irilyth felt no compulsion to abandon the family that cared for her. All her life, she'd followed and served the strongest wolf, using them to shield and safeguard her in exchange for whatever they desired of her. But this time... she felt a loyalty to Manea. The large woman was an inspiration and made her feel protected. With the pirates... Irilyth shuddered to consider what a life with them might be like. Besides, she had taken quite a fondness to Avacyn and Saracyn, and she couldn't leave the little dears behind.

At Manea's call for the family, Irilyth didn't know whether she should attend or not. The call had been for Mendaciums, after all, and she was not one. She was a nobody. Her presence would no doubt be out of place amongst all the glorious looking brutes and faes. But the more the blonde fae dwelled on it, the more she felt like she needed to go support her Mistress in this time. Dropping the furs she had been dusting off, Irilyth headed out of the den and down to the lake, spotting the cluster of multicolored wolves easily enough. She slipped up behind the crowd mostly silently, trying to keep her presence to a minimum, and seated herself at the edge of the group, raspberry red eyes looking to the Matriarch while she waited to hear what news she brought.
