




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
10-26-2021, 04:55 PM
Ulric was about to start making an attempt to get out of the forest when he heard Eska give a startled gasp, making him freeze and look back at her worriedly. "Eska?" he questioned, turning to face her again despite the overwhelming urge to get out of this forest as quickly as possible. Everything around them felt strangely cold and thick and somehow he wasn't even all that surprised that she was having trouble breathing in all this. It felt like the air was far more damp than it ever should be and it made his skin crawl. With her head nudging and pushing him onward he nodded with a frown. He understood her intention, trying to get them moving down some sort of path, but with the way she was barely keeping herself upright they weren't going to be getting anywhere quickly and the last thing he wanted was for her to pass out here because of it.

He shifted and scooped his mate onto his back, slipping under her to pick her up so he could carry her out of the forest, not waiting to see if there would be any displeasure or protest at the action. They needed to get out of here and they needed to do it quickly. She wasn't as easy to carry as someone like Lillith, but that didn't really matter right now. He'd move mountains to keep Eska safe. He turned to follow the slight gap in the mist he had spotted, but as he took one step toward it a breathy, sinister chuckle met his ears, sending a chill over him, and he stopped again. No, whatever it was couldn't be trusted and his gut told him that wasn't the path to take. Looking around again, he saw another gap between the trees and even though he couldn't really see through the mist to the other side he decided that was as good a path as any and went off that direction instead.

Ulric Adravendi