
Blowing This Joint




Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-26-2021, 06:06 PM
Sometimes he didn’t feel complete when Scylla went running off without him. He was almost compelled to follow after wherever she went like it was his destiny. Maybe she didn’t believe him about having special gifts, but there was no doubt to the strange occurrences going on around them. Like the glowing blue rat that was bounced towards him. Albion clumsily juggled the rodent in his paws, using his sharp feline claws experimentally. He wasn’t alone for long, as Scylla required her resilience and joined him in their plight. Rats were never good to have around, they were far too smart and spread fleas like it was their job.

Albion dropped the rat and before he could even react Scylla was upon it, all four paws beneath her as she aimed to crush the tiny pest. She killed it, and slowly the blue glow melted form the carcass. He was going to suggest they feed it to the dogs when Scylla huffed loudly, as if she wasn’t the wolf to have killed her own playtoy. Albi shrugged lightly, he was the one following her after all. He followed her attention as she looked into the canopy and at the same time the hulking boy noticed the frozen state the lights were in. He hadn’t seen them go still like this before. Scylla froze like he did, and his brow furrowed as he questioned again what he saw. Nothing was so surprising when everything was astounding.

Scylla let too much of her emotions shine through her voice, and she didn’t wait for his answer before she was headed in the direction of the ocean. Albion didn’t tease her, only quietly followed after her like the dutiful brother he was. Albion lowered his head and walked through the dark forest behind his sister, finding it obvious the way the girl relaxed when they were back out on the sand and in the full bathing light of the moon. It was much less unnerving than the blue lights that floated in and out of existence in the woods. They were here too, but not near as prominent or noticeable with the brilliant moonlight.

They didn’t get any answers from the adults, they could probably figure it all out just as well as their parents. Maybe even better with their young impressionable minds. He knew they had only been here about as long as they had been around. Perhaps the whole reason they existed was because he and Scylla were born. Their birth changed the world, and the whole of what they saw was entirely their fault. What if they could grow to control these strange things around them? It hadn’t seemed to react well when he told it what to do, but maybe he just needed to learn the right words.

He would have to think more about the possibilities in front of him, for now he’d joined Scylla on the beach. The boy walked up beside her, but hesitated in sitting himself beside her. Now what? He liked that Scylla looked to him to help keep her entertained, he was quiet and comparatively cautious compared to his sister but she still questioned his opinion. ”Do you think the seals are glowing?” He asked her in response, gesturing towards the northern beach where the sealions most preferred to laze in the sand. He didn’t know how they were reacting with the strange phenomenon around them. Especially the endless night.

Albion Klein
