
Steady Pulse



"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-26-2021, 06:26 PM
Aliana wasn't exactly cognizant of what was going on around her. The pain inside her head was so intense and it felt like the puppies inside her belly were tearing at her insides in a desperate attempt to escape from the agony. She tried to breathe, but each time she did, it felt like the breath was literally being forced from her lungs by the painful jarring movements within her. The only thing she was aware of was Chimera's bulk beginning to usher her back the way they came. Each step felt like it took a mountain's worth of effort to move, like the strength within her body had been sapped away by the crystal in vengeance for breaking it. Her vision spun, turning into a swirling sea of colors and shapes. She felt like she was going to be sick at any moment and had no idea which direction she was going, using Chimera's warmth and strength to help guide her.

Suddenly, gravity no longer affected her, and Ali felt herself being lifted off the ground. Blinking her vision to focus her eyes, Aliana realized Chimera had scooped her up and was carrying her away from the crystal-filled atrium. Dainty forelegs lifted to wrap snugly around his neck, clinging to him like he were a raft amidst a turbulent sea. Between them, the puppies continued to squirm and thrash about in her womb, bringing nausea and pain with each movement. She whined quietly beneath her breath, focusing all of her effort on not throwing up and holding on to Chimera. It didn't take long before her mate had them safely away and deposited her back to the wooden floor between the wings, her legs wobbling slightly while she tried to regain her equilibrium. The sickness had begun to wear off, as had her headache, but the pups were still going mad.

The clouded ash and snow fae pressed her form closer into Chimera's embrace, leaning her head into his chest while he curled his neck around her to shield her from the world. Her breathing was steadier, but still with a shallow raising while her lungs tried to catch up to the rest of her. Delicate white paws caressed her swollen stomach, quietly shushing the fidgeting pups within. Tears had formed in the corners of her aquamarine eyes while she tried to comfort their unborn children, praying that they were all okay. "I'm so sorry..." she whispered quietly, though whether it was to Chimera for disobeying him or to their unborn children for putting them in danger was uncertain, just whispering that mantra over and over. "I'm so sorry..."


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.