
Oh, in this night of blue



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
10-27-2021, 12:01 AM

The male seemed to have found amusement in her remark and her ear turned towards him as his chuckle filled the air and he shot back with a retort. Nikkal was determined to ignore him so she kept her eyes on the pulsating crystals that seemed to be growing even now as she watched them, until the male spoke again, sarcasm dripping from his childish words. Damn. He really was determined to be a pain in the ass. A dull throb started at her temple, glad that her fur was thick so that he couldn't make out the vein she was sure was beginning to pop out underneath. Turning her back to him only seemed to encourage the male further as he offered her a massage complete with a wink. Finally, she turned her face back to him, a sweet, rather toothy smile danced on her lips as a dark not so welcoming gleam burned in her eyes. "Oh? You know that might be just the thing I need." her voice turned sing song, faintly dancing with a warning. He could try to put a paw on her but he might also get a face full of teeth if he got close enough.

He moved then and Nikkal pinned the male with her dual colored glare as he moved to a crystal formation and placed a paw on one. She watched intently as the crystal's glow seemed to pulsate faster under his touch and she took a step closer to get a better look. Were these things alive and not just lit with bioluminescence? Before she could make sense of it, the annoying brute reached down and snapped the crystal off with his teeth and began to chew. Her lips parted slightly as she now studied him with more intent, looking for any signs of poisoning. Surely if these things were toxic, the poison would be fast acting with how brightly these things glowed, right? Thats usually how nature worked. To her annoyance, the male didn't gasp or gurgle or press a paw to his throat as poison entered his system, no, the complete ass began to fling the shards at her! Small little fragments hit the ground in front of her with a soft "tink" and tiny splashes in the water behind her, some she even felt bounce off her pelt. "Are you a child?!" she exclaimed as she bared her teeth at him before swinging her head to her left and snapping off one of the crystals she had first seen and flung the entire thing at him. If it hit him, so be it, she didn't care. Maybe it would make him leave. The taste of the crystal left on her tongue was just as sweet as it smelt and she fought the urge to reach back and bite of another piece to chew on to enjoy the flavor. Instead she faced the male completely and lifted her chin defiantly and shifted her weight over her white paws in case he decided he had enough with his games and chose violence.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think