
I know who I want to take me home


08-12-2013, 05:15 PM

Bleached incisors protruded from skewed, inky lips as the brat succumbed to her own amusement, the devious smirk plastered to her porcelain countenance the product of her mischief. She had utilized the same technique that her smaller sibling had used against her to successfully pin her to the earth now against her gangly brother, stalking at his heels whilst he remained oblivious to her presence, waiting to seize the perfect moment to launch her attack and force him to the earth beneath her. Ares had made the game of predator and prey quite easy on the pallid babe, and only a few times did she feel the urge to obscure herself behind the foliage littering her mother?s kingdom to avoid detection from her sibling. For the most part, it was trial and error, and the tyke picked up on her mistakes with ease, realizing that her footfalls needed to be strategically placed in order to create minimal distracting noises for the young male ahead of her, so her pace was sluggish in comparison to his carefree; but it would be a fair price to pay for the presumably amusing reaction she wished to extract from him.

The child crept forward tentatively as her sibling halted in his tracks for an unknown purpose, her toes brushing against the soft soil of the earth while her body remained in a static crouch, inching her way closer to his form. Words she couldn?t quite digest resounded in his tones but she disregarded them, focusing solely upon her mission, the smirk stretching vastly across her visage with every short stride taken. Tail lashed at the babe?s heels as she ceased all other motions, gathering momentum in her hinds in preparation of the impending leap to close the slight distance created between them. As a foreign voice breached the atmosphere, the child lunged forth, forelimbs outstretched before her broad chest cavity, seeking to wrap about his abdomen and force his lower half to the ground while her gaping jaws would seek to ensnare whatever flesh she could grasp upon his backside. The other tyke?s presence would go disregarded for the time being, granting her sibling and assail the entirety of her attention.