
Blowing This Joint




Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-27-2021, 05:33 PM

If Albion thought less of her for wanting to leave the jungle, he didn't show it. Like the good brother that he was, the boy dutifully followed his tiny sister out onto the beach. Things were better here. She could breathe easily and there weren't a million frozen fireflies hanging over their heads. Yes, the blue lights still ran rampant on the beach, but the brilliantly bright moonlight dulled them down and made them appear less... ominous. Scylla was no coward, but she was cautious. If a situation seemed like it had the potential to go south, she wasn't too proud to take advantage of her sense of self preservation and leave.

As her quiet brother stood beside her and she questioned him, he seemed to think about it for a moment before posing his own query. Were the sea lions glowing as well? "Everything else is, so I don't know why they wouldn't be." Sea lions were large and they were dangerous. The pair had been warned against bothering the giant creatures, but when did Scylla ever listen to anything that she was told? Never and today wouldn't be the start of it. "We should check," she suggested before picking herself out of the sand and moving down the beach. Of course Albi would follow.

The small fae could see the glow of the sea lions long before she could actually make out any solid shapes of them. "I guess that's our answer," she mumbled before her pace slowed. Just because she didn't listen didn't mean that she wasn't cautious. Tonight, she was extra cautious. Normally by now they'd hear the grunts, groans, the slap of bodies. The sea lions were completely silent. They didn't move a muscle. Scylla shot a sideways glance at Albion to gauge his reaction to this before looking back to the massive creatures. There were tons of them on the beach, but they all sat staring inland. Staring at them. Vividly glowing eyes were all turned towards the children as though they had been expecting the two pups. Their eyes were the same glow as the fireflies and Scylla once again wondered if they were all connected somehow.

"Do you think that the fireflies told the sea lions that we were coming?" She voiced her thought aloud and tentatively began moving forward towards the hulking wall of blubber and muscle. Still the sea lions didn't move. "Do you think that we'll eventually glow?" Scylla wouldn't mind if she glowed. Might be kind if fun. Although... it would make sneaking around a lot more difficult. Coming right up to one of the sea lions, Scylla gave it a sniff, her little pink nose quivering. They smelled salty and fishy and the girl's nose wrinkled a bit. Still, the sea lions didn't move. Reaching out one paw, she gave the nearest one a little push. They were... squishy and a little soft, but touching them didn't make the beasts move. With a hmmph, Scylla moved back over to where her brother stood. "I guess... they froze when the lights in the jungle froze?" Her head gave a little tilt, silently asking what he thought.

"Scylla Klein"

2570/2500- Word Count Met
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]