
I know who I want to take me home


08-12-2013, 05:32 PM

Waiting. Seraphim had simply been waiting for the chance to speak with Morphine about his place in Tortuga, yet the opportunity had not come. In his spare time, he had decided to seek out a little knowledge of the Tortugan lands, and perhaps do a little non-emotional bonding with his children. While doing the first today, he had fallen into seeking the latter. On a walk about the territory, he had caught the scent of two of his children and had pursued it, hoping for even a glimpse of a moment with them. It was a shame that while he cherished them so, he was unable to show it.

Carefully he tracked them, lids narrowed over verdant eyes in total focus on his mission. Large paws carried him over the land until he happened upon the trio - his own young and one other. He focused his attention on Ares first, taking in his words toward the stranger before Artemis came flying out toward her brother. From the looks of it, the ebony pup seemed to be totally alone. She seemed to handle her situation with the boy well, but something told Seraph that there was more to the picture. Concern, along with an idea, crossed his mind. If she was alone, she would need a parent. Perhaps he had found a child whom he could love without restraint.

He shook his head and snickered at his two children as he walked past them, approaching the other and leaving them to their rough housing. He spoke, in a voice both husky and gentle. What is your name, young one?
